Reforming Church

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Acts 5:17-42 ~ Saved to Suffer

Read Acts 5:17-42

  1. Why are people today, like the political leaders here in this episode, against the gospel of Jesus so much?

  2. How are we tempted to respond to peer pressure against the gospel?

  3. Read the following cross-reference passages, and discuss what it means that we are “saved to suffer” (John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12, Philippians 1:29)

  4. Have a close look at Acts 5:40-42, and discuss how it would be possible that the Apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for being Christians. How did the gospel change everything for them?

  5. Read some cross-reference passages written by Peter from 1 Peter 2:17 and 1 Peter 3:15, and through the paradigm of ‘rejoicing‘ prepare a response to a form of real pressure against the gospel you see today.

Pray that we will be able to respond this way, in the power of Jesus name - as we pray for one another.