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Discipleship Series Overview | 2nd half of John’s Gospel

27 June 2024 | Written by Russ Grinter

Sunday 29th January | The Resurrection and the Life (John 11)

When Jesus meets death, he is moved. He is so grieved, even angry, with death that he does what no one else could do. As we move into the second-half of the gospel of John, we see how everything is shaped by John’s purpose statement in compiling this gospel account - seen in John 20:31. It is here in this episode where in this moment of deep grief, Jesus gives one of his “I Am” statements in John 11:25-27. Jesus proves beyond a shadow of the grave that he is able to give life. The question is for us - do we believe this, and what difference would it make for our lives?

Sunday 5th February | The Beginning of the End of the Beginning (John 12)

As people prepare for Passover, Jesus prepares for his death. Jesus death will lead to new life for some, and the judgement This is where Jesus draws together all that human history has been waiting for since Genesis 3:15, that sin and Satan would be defeated in the death of Jesus. This is where God will draw people to himself, as Jesus is lifted on a cross. This is the beginning of the end of the beginning.

Sunday 12th February | Washing Feet and Loving like Jesus (John 13)

As Jesus speaks with his disciples, he continues to explain the plan for his death on the cross. As he does this he teaches his disciples what it means for people to follow Jesus. Loving one another means going low, for others. Here is where churches cal learn what it means to be a disciple (literally, “learner”) of Jesus, and there are all sorts of implications for churches and humble leadership.

Sunday 19th February | Meet the Triune God (John 14)

If you want to know God, Jesus sees you meet him when you see Jesus. Here Jesus teaches us on the doctrine of the Trinity, where we can know God personally as the Triune God. Jesus speaks of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and shows us who God is and how God saves His people.

Sunday 26th February | Abide in Jesus (John 15:1-17)

Jesus is saving and gathering his people for new life, in him. In this way we get to have that life by abiding in Jesus life, for he is the true vine. It is such a privilege to do that as we are made clean, abide in Jesus words and love, and now can have a joy that can never be taken away. Jesus calls us as his friends, people who can pray, love and serve in his love.

Sunday 5th March | The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 15:18-16:15)

There is a lost of confusion among Christians about who the Holy Spirit is, and the work He does in the world. If only we ‘d listen to Jesus. Here Jesus speaks of the hatred of the world against himself, and following that such hatred toward Jesus’ people. Then Jesus encourages and equips us by speaking of the Helper whom he will send, the Holy Spirit himself. The Holy Spirit will enable the apostles to testify to Christ, and to write Jesus’ word, breathing the New Testament into being.

Sunday 12th March | Jesus Has Overcome the World (John 16:16-33)

As Jesus speaks about his coming death, he speaks also about the coming short-lived sorrow for his disciples. As the disciples struggle to understand this, wrestle in their hearts with what’s about to happen, Jesus comforts them again again. Jesus teaches them to rely upon their Father in heaven in prayer. Jesus teaches them that they can ask in his name. Jesus teaches that soon he will be going to the Father, and that his disciples can have peace for Jesus has overcome the world.

Sunday 19th March | Jesus Prays for His Church (John 17:1-26)

Here we get to hear Jesus pray for his disciples, Jesus prays for us. Jesus prays that His Father would glorify his name, as Jesus saves and gathers God’s people to himself - forever. As Jesus prays, we get insight into the love of God for his people, us, and how we are gathered to glorify God as His people.

Sunday 26th March | Betrayed by Friends (John 18:1-27)

It is the night that Jesus is betrayed, and it’s up close and personal. Judas is the betrayer, and Peter who wants to draw swords in one moment - is in the next moment denying he is a friend of Jesus. In this dark night, when people conspire and friends flees, a rooster crows and Jesus intends to drink the cup that the Father has given him.

Sunday 2nd April | What is Truth? (John 18:28-19:16)

As Pilate stands trial in front of the Roman governor, Pilate, it’s a trial of truth and desire. Pilate examines an innocent man, when he meets Jesus. Pilate is staring the way, the truth and the life in the face - and yet does what many default to in our world, he remains agnostic by concluding: “what is truth?”. For the crowd of the Jews though, Jesus must go. Jesus has come as their king to bring new life, and all they desire is for his death.

Good Friday 7th April | It is Finished (John 19:17-42)

At the culmination of Passover, it is Jesus who himself is the Passover Lamb. Jesus he meets sin and death head-on, arms outstretched, lifted up, the king enthroned on a cross. Jesus is the king who dies for his subjects, his people, and declares, “it is finished”.

Risen Sunday 9th April | Hope at Last (John 20-21)

Jesus’ resurrection shows that the cross is the plan and power of God fulfilled in defeating sin and death. Here Jesus addresses those who doubt, he cares for those who fail and need forgiveness and restoration; Jesus then commissions his apostles to take the good news of him, the gospel, to the world. The cross and resurrection together means there is hope at last, for God gives humanity a hope that can never die. Here is John’s purpose statement for writing this gospel account of Jesus life, death and resurrection in John 20:30-31. The question we must now answer is, “will we now believe and have life in his Jesus?”