Reforming Church

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God’s Extraordinary Grace Has Something Ordinary</span>

5 June 2024 Russ Grinter

The grace of God that saves us, also re-shapes us. It is why we are Re-forming Church.

The Apostle Paul writes this pastoral letter to Titus, who serves in pastoral ministry. Pastoral ministry is a gospel ministry that is distinct from other ministries such as gospel work in parachurch ministry, in that it is about shepherding the church. And one of the things that churches miss, and often leave to other organisations, is the importance of training.

Now of course we can receive training in all sorts of areas of leadership development, the use of our gifts, safe church training, training in how to use the coffee machine or even the dishwasher…! Yet the most important training that Paul writes about in his pastoral letter, is that the church be trained by the grace of God to renounce ungodliness. It’s here in Titus 2 that we notice just how this happens, by seeing what the grace of God is.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,

What has appeared, that is the grace of God? What has brought salvation? It is none other, than Jesus Christ – the gift the grace of God.

The grace of God is not as some seem to think, it is not a substance. The grace of God is a person – it’s God’s undeserved favour for how he relates to people in the person of Jesus. God’s extraordinary grace has something ordinary, a human face.

“God’s extraordinary grace has something ordinary, a human face.”

And it is the grace of God in Christ, that trains us in godliness. Jesus saves, and then notice what else the grace of God in Christ does…

Titus 2:12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,

How does Jesus do this? Well this is what we will see further in our current sermon mini-series, as we look into ordinary things, and their ordinary means of grace. With all this we see specific to this Scripture from Titus 2, we see that grace trains, disciples and changes us to be more like Christ in character as we live like him renouncing ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.

This Christ-likeness happens as the Spirit breathed word of God renews our minds and moves the affections of our hearts to love, worship and enjoy God more than we love, worship and enjoy the ungodly things of sin and self-destructive self-worship.

This happens as we pray, engaged in that means of grace where we can rely on God in everything by his power, his strength in our weakness, approaching the throne of grace with confidence and asking in Christ’s name.

This happens as we encourage one another in the local church in renouncing ungodliness together – for notice in Tutus 2:12 how the words are in plural form.

The means of grace are not meant to work by us sitting alone with social media. The ordinary means of grace work by us gathering with the ordinary local church. For as we see in verse 14…

Titus 2:14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

“The means of grace are not meant to work by us sitting alone with social media. The ordinary means of grace work by us gathering with the ordinary local church.”

See how we are not saved by works, but by grace, for grace to train us to do the good works that flow out of grace-shaped lives? The grace of God in Christ is that powerful. Grace redeems us and reforms us, to be reunited with God through Christ, and  this happens in our life as we wait the better life to come….

Titus 2:13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

For the end and eternal point of God’s grace that saves us and shapes us, is for enjoying God and glorifying Him forever.

Your pastor and friend,
