Reforming Church

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Meet Michelle

Hey, have you met Michelle?

Hey, my name is Michelle. I am originally from Sydney, but moved to Bendigo for work. I work in IT support.

What do you do for fun?

I like to play video games and board games. I also like playing sports and going hiking.

What’s your favourite song at the moment?

There’s too many to choose from, but one of them is Nobody by Casting Crowns.

How has Jesus changed your life, or is changing your life.

Jesus gave me a purpose in life and has changed the way I think about everything. I grew up in a non-Christian household but was fortunate enough to have gone to church when I was younger, so I knew of God. When I got into high school, I stopped going to church and lived life my own way. During that time, I’ve always felt some kind of pull to go back to church but I ignored it. It wasn’t until I was probably in the lowest part of my life where that pull from God was strongest. I was looking for a new church to go to and one of my friends invited me to a church he was attending. It was there that I gave my life to Jesus. Jesus filled a hole in me that was missing and He is constantly showing me His grace.

What’s your favourite Bible verse?

1 Peter 5:7 - “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”. This verse has helped me go through some hard times and is a really good reminder that we don’t have to shoulder every burden.