Reforming Church

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We Make Leaders

February 4th, 2019

Make Leaders Leadership Library

We make disciples, we make leaders.

The mission of Reforming Church is to do what Jesus told us to do in His great commission, so we make disciples. It ought to be the mission of every church, since every church belongs to Jesus and is His body. Whilst a church’s vision and values are unique (a subject of another article), our mission is clear and most importantly given to us by Christ. We don’t mess with that mission, we are to do it. 

As we make disciples we have found as a church that we need to make leaders, and that is the function of this particular ministry of Reforming Church. 

All of church life is disciple-making, and some of our time we focus on leadership formation, development and coaching through this ministry simply called ‘Make Leaders’. We make leaders, for church and for all of life.

Leadership development shouldn’t be left up to the Bible colleges alone. It shouldn’t be left to parachurch organisations alone. It’s shouldn’t be left for higher overseeing organisations or denominational committees alone. It shouldn’t juts be for the ministry apprentices and interns. It’s something the local church must undertake. 

Reforming Church is now six years old, and over that time we have made leaders. We have now come to a point that those leaders we have made are now going to invest in the next group of leaders, by making more through our Make Leaders ministry.

And so here’s how this works. For all current and prospective leaders of Reforming Church, you will receive this email before our Make Leaders lab at Reforming House on the first Sunday of the month (4.00pm in the Cafe), and here in this email there is everything you need to read and watch before the Make Leaders lab so that our time together can be more discussion-based contribution. 

Each Make Leaders lab will be see you develop as a leader to serve in the church and to serve in all of life by being shaped around leadership character, convictions and competencies. 

This first Make Leaderslab at the start of 2019 will focus on Discipleship Group Leadership, which is vital for the life of our church. Come along to see why and how.

Make Leaders Article by Russ Grinter | Pastor & Teaching Elder

Russ is weak, but Jesus is strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Russ gladly boasts of his weaknesses by preaching, writing, and speaking the gospel - because Jesus changes everything.