Leadership Development
Learn, Love, Lead like Christ
A biblical definition of leadership can be seen in the meaning of what it is to love people. The Lord Jesus Christ commands and commissions us, with love and to love. We are to love God, love others and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We summarise this in three words: Christ, Community and Compassion. These words are our values, vision and mission. These words from Jesus gives shape to who we are as a church, and what we’re about for those who are leaders of the church.
To Lead is to Love
Learning as disciples, developing as leaders
Another word for a ‘disciple’ is a ‘learner’. We learn Christ, together. Disciples are those who are born-again, by believing in, belonging to, and becoming like Jesus Christ. As this discipleship happens in our lives, the Lord Jesus also gives his people different gifts by the Spirit’s work. As we see in Ephesians 4:12, God gives these gifts (who are people) for the ministry of the church. Included in this grace of God are leaders to equip the saints for the work of ministry.
Leadership is a good gift of God. Like any gift, leadership can be abused and this is why leaders ought to lead with love for God and others as priority, for healthy leadership and a healthy church.
Since leadership is a gift, there is a sense where we don’t make leaders but develop the gifts God gives as we discover such gracious gifting among us.
Reforming’s Company of Preachers
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (James 3:1)
Who is the Preacher? It’s all about the character of the person who preaches Christ.
For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Corinthians 4:5)
- Bible Teaching 1
- Blokes with Bibles 1
- Care 1
- Coaching in Christ 1
- Eldership Development 4
- Imagine: Reforming 2022 2
- Leadership Development 1
- Leadership Meetings 1
- Local Leadership 1
- Men's Ministry 1
- Mission & Vision & Values 2
- Pastoral Leadership 1
- Plans & Prayers 3
- Prayer 1
- Re:Vision Re:Forming 1
- Rest & Work 1
- Shepherd Leadership 12
- Shepherd Selection 1
- Teams & Training 2
- The Regional Effect 1
- We Make Leaders 1
Leadership Library
The 3 C’s of Eldership Development
Developing as an elder is a lifelong ministry. For this edition of Eldership Development, let’s discuss the three C’s.