Shepherd Leaders Serve


By way of Introduction

In this Cruciforming seminar, we are going to look at what leadership is, where it begins and how making disciple-makers starts by shepherd leaders serving.

Starting Discussion: What are the differences between a Pastor/Elder and a Leader?

Read 1 Timothy 1 and engage in a discussion on the big idea of this text and its practical implications and application through the lens of the gospel to us.

What is Leadership?

  1. Could you give a definition of leadership?

  2. Where do different fields of work develop their leadership definitions and leadership theory and practice?

  3. How does Jesus change everything?

  4. What does leadership look like in a church? And how ought leadership development look like in a ministry like Cruciforming?

  5. Where does leadership development start for church leadership?

This month’s Leadership Papers (courtesy of the METRO Ministry Papers)

These papers were developed for a particular church and adapted for a ministry training platform, so they have intrinsic limitations. We will use them for Crucifroming Monthly discussion based leadership development across:

  1. Shepherd Selection Course

  2. Internships

  3. Group Leaders

  4. Team Leaders

Last month’s Paper

This month’s papers:

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 3

Paper 4

Paper 5

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


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