Women of the Word

A loving women’s community, a culture of Christ, beholding God in the Bible.
Thursday Bible Study
Thursdays 10-12pm you can find women of Reforming Church drinking great coffee, sharing their lives together and spurring each other on with their Bible’s open. Our Women’s Bible study is called 'Women of the Word' as our heart is to know God more through His Word, the Bible, and thus strengthen our love for him and one another. Child minding available!
Book Club
Read or Rust! We love reading at Reforming - not for the love of books but for the love of growing, being encouraged, being challenged, being inspired. Reforming Women host’s a quarterly book club. Our current book: Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin.
Women’s Events
The women of Reforming gather for ministry events to dig deep into God’s word together, edify and encourage one another, so as to build one another up in Christ.
It's always an enjoyable experience, resting in the grace of the gospel together.
All women are welcome!