
Friendships for life formation

 If you’re in year 7-12 you’re invited to join us fortnightly on a Friday night at Reforming House. Games, food, Bible study and lots of laughs! All youth welcome

Friday Nights

Our team of leaders have a passion for seeing young people grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus, whilst having fun and making life long friendships. Our leaders share not only their time but their lives, their families, their passions and their walk with Jesus. Leaders are all approved by the Safe Church Unit and hold current WWCC.

Our Leaders

Permission Form

Click on form to download

We all learn the gospel in the context of relationship, we are each discipled by others who love Jesus. Discipleship requires a relationship in order for the disciple to listen, believe and accept what we teach. With kids (as with adults!) how we teach is just as important as what we teach. The gospel isn’t just taught, it is caught.

The elders want for youth group to feel more like a lounge room and less like a classroom. There is always a tricky balance between play, teaching, bonding and leading and we won’t always get that right. Kids are quick to notice hypocrites, which all of us are, so we need to keep sharing our own weaknesses, struggles and failures, showing that we need grace as much as they do.

We need to ask God for wisdom for you and us all to make the gospel clear and strengthen relationships with youth and our church family.

Our Vision for Reforming Youth

Presbyterian Youth Victoria (PYV) is the youth organisation of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV).

The PYV run camps and events where youth from around Victoria come for fellowship with one another and to hear the Gospel preached.

PYV also provides leadership training for local church youth ministries.  PYV Councillors and senior leaders will mentor local church youth leadership teams as they grow disciples through their youth ministry.

Presbyterian Youth Victoria

In the life of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV) the Church is committed to ensuring that all of our congregations and organisations are safe in every respect for everyone within them. Safe Church PCV is the PCV’s expression of this commitment. Further, the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct form the foundation of this commitment. Finally, Safe Church procedure and practice are our practical outworking of this commitment. Safe Church applies to every individual, congregation and organisation within the PCV.

Safe Church | Presbyterian Church of Victoria