
We preach Christ

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Gathered Worship Sundays 10am

Our main Sunday service, with kid’s church included. Gathered worship of God, for our sent worship of Him into the week.

15 December A Weary World Rejoices (Matthew 1)

22 December Experience Exceeding Joy (Matthew 2:1-12)

24 December Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve

29 December Psalm 3 (Chris Thornton)

5 January Psalm 4 (Graeme Baxter)

12 January Psalm 5 (Nick Wall)

19 January Psalm 6 (Bren Rayson)

26 January Psalm 7 (Cameron Spink)

Our prayer service, where we hear a devotional message, sing together, have prayer together and share in supper together.

Gathered Prayer Sundays 5pm

December Prayer Service on a break

January Prayer Service on a break

Sermon Library

Matthew Russ Grinter Matthew Russ Grinter

The Weary World Rejoices (Matthew 1)

Our world is weary…

Marriages under tension, broken relationships, adultery, cheating brothers, crimes against women, refugees, murder, idol worship, wicked leaders…and that’s just in the family tree of Jesus.

In Matthew 1 we see a thrill of hope that our world has waited ages for.

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2 Corinthians Russ Grinter 2 Corinthians Russ Grinter

For When You Are Weak (2 Corinthians 12:1-10)

Of all the people in the universe, who is the one who prayed three times that the cup of God’s wrath, that the pain and sufferings should not be for him?

Of all the people in the universe, who understands, pleads in prayer and felt your experience of pain and suffering in this life?

Of all the people in the universe, it is Jesus who experienced our weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.

And those things were external to Jesus, he didn’t deserve them, but he experienced them for you.

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