Our Story

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:7)


Reforming Church first began in 2012 with a plan and prayer from St. John’s Presbyterian to send a team of 10 people, and were led by Russ Grinter, a then home missionary.  This “Lead Team” often met at 6am before the working day started to plan, discuss, and pray that God would guide them in the process of planting a new church in Bendigo.  In doing so all effort was made to ensure that Jesus’ word and mission was kept at the centre of all decisions and plans.


Weekly Sunday gatherings began in February 2013 and were held at 5pm in various locations around south east Bendigo. During 2013, these meetings generally consisted of the lead team and several supporting members from our mother church, St John’s Bendigo Presbyterian. An evening meal was shared after the service ensuring healthy fellowship.


From 2013 to 2018 the church-plant grew as God gave the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6) and the congregation faced the problem of multiple location changes and limited places to meet. By God’s abundant grace Reforming was able to then purchase a building in East Bendigo that had been a play-centre, to now become affectionately known as Reforming House. This is where our story continues today, and we invite you to connect with Christ and His church and become part of this story with us.

Ten Years of Reforming, celebrated in 2023

On the first Sunday in February, 2013, Reforming Church launched with its first service of gathered worship. It was the day of small things, and we rejoiced.

Since then our testimony is that everything we have is a testimony to God’s grace. Even that we could plant a church, even that Reforming still exists as a local church, even that we have the blessings of Reforming House and being a family of God’s precious people. All of this is God’s grace to us.

From the forethought, plans and prayers of those who have gone before…

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)