Gathered Prayer
5pm Sundays
I want to make Sundays more about God and rest for my family and there’s no better way than having a prayer gathering with brothers and sisters.
I had never been before because I thought the timing with dinner and bed wouldn’t work with the kids. I had no idea you guys provided dinner. Our church is so blessed to have that service.
~ a new person to our Prayer Service
We love to pray, and for those who don’t yet love to pray (but would secretly like to), this is for you too. Prayer is an expression of faith, of reliance on God our Father who cares for His children.
We live such full and busy lives that we must pray. The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
We see how good prayer is, by seeing how good God is, and you’re invited to come and pray with us too at our weekly Prayer Service.
At our Prayer Service, we’ll sing a song together (perhaps a song that is a prayer) and hear a short message from the Bible. We’ll pray through Scripture, take prayer requests and be led in prayer from the front. We’ll pray in small groups, in large groups and in small moments of silent personal prayer.
Everyone is welcome, kids are welcome. So, come along, bring your requests before God, we will be expectant in prayer together, we will not be anxious about anything, for we will pray about everything.
For Members | Prayer Support Team
The Elders have initiated a Prayer Support Team for Members of Reforming, who can opt-in to receive general church prayer points texted from people to Russ. If you have prayer requests you wish to make public, then text Russ and he will forward to the prayer team who will all pray for you, for our church. You can easily sign-up using this form: