Our Leaders


Our Elders serve by shepherding the flock of God, Reforming Church (1 Peter 5:1-5).

email: elders@reformingchurch.org

A session ordinarily consists of the minister of a charge and two or more elders. A session is established by the presbytery to exercise oversight over every aspect of the life of a congregation or of linked congregations.

The word ‘Session’ comes from the Latin of ‘to sit’. As a court of the church, when the Teaching Elder (Minister) moderates the meeting of Ruling Elders, they are sitting in session. The Session, under the Chief Shepherd who is Christ, is where pastoral care and authority sits to serve the local congregation.

  • Russ Grinter | Pastor (Teaching Elder)

  • Rory Weightman | Session Clerk

  • Cam Clare | Ruling Elder

  • Ryan Smith | Ruling Elder

Congregational Officers

Our Board Managers serve by managing our facilities and finances.

  • Cameron Spink | Secretary

  • Dave North | Treasurer

  • Mel Jones

  • Nick Wall

  • Jobrian Trinidad

  • Aaron Pagliaro

Pastoral Assistants

Our Staff serve by co-ordinating various ministries of the church

  • Aimee Grinter | Women's & Children's

  • Ryan Smith | Evangelism & Equipping

Safe Church Team

Our Safe Church Team ensures compliance and promotes Safe Church Training.

  • Wendy

  • Sarah