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Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

The Men of Reforming are gathering at Reforming House (17 Victa Rd) for our monthly BBQ Breakfast, 8am to 10am on the second Saturday of the month.

Bring a bible and $5 for breakfast.

Just RSVP by Friday morning so we know how much food we'll need. Hope you can join us!

Email Ryan to let us know if you can join us.

All men are welcome!

#blokes #bibles #edify #build #bemen

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Working Bee: Outdoor Furniture Project

Working Bee: Outdoor Furniture Project

On Saturday morning, 12th October, the Board Managers are organising a working bee to build outdoor furniture of tables and chairs for use in the Outdoor Playspace.

If there are enough hands, we may also do some concreting - and so come ready to build things that last.

Please join in and bring your drills, paint brushes and eye for furniture that says “Reforming”.

The working bee begins straight after Men’s Breakfast, onsite at 9.30am.

To find out more, ask our Board of Management: board@reformingchurch.org

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Women’s Brunch

Women’s Brunch

Ladies Brunch is on Saturday at 10am. No prep needed, just bring your Bible and a plate to share.

Of course children are always welcome but it would be a great opportunity for Dad's to serve their family and give mums some time in the word.

And this is not just for mums! All women & teens are welcome. Our discussion and our time in the Bible is not a mum's club - it's a time for enriching all women. Feel free to bring a friend too.

This term the women of Reforming will be trained in how to handle the word of God using the Swedish method, to encourage and equip one another. This is a time of sweet fellowship and prayer.

Email Aimee to let us know if you can join us.

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Youth Dinner for Daughters and Mothers

Youth Dinner for Daughters and Mothers

At the end of August the girls of Youth and their Mums will together go out for dinner in the beautiful city of Bendigo, as well as into God’s word, together. It’s going to be a great girls’ night out.

This dinner is for those in grades 5-12, so is perfect for those who will join Youth soon in the next year for so.

Talk with Katie or Aimee for more details.

Come along for all the fun and friendships formed in the good news of Jesus!

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Youth Camp for Sons & Fathers
to 31 Aug

Youth Camp for Sons & Fathers

At the end of August the boys of Youth and their Dads will together go into the Australian bush, and into God’s word, together. It’s going to be a great time of guys stuff. This camp is for those in grades 5-12, so is perfect for those who will join Youth soon in the next year for so.

Meet at Reforming House at 5.30pm, camping overnight, to return to society on Saturday afternoon 1st September. Please bring:

  • Your own food for camping

  • Clothes and shoes that are ready for roughing it

  • Sleeping Bags and sleeping mats (if you have them, see the form below)

  • Tent (if you have one, see the form below)

  • Hats and Sunscreen

Please fill out the registration form below, and for any questions message Russ on: 0407 488 491.

Registration Form

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Youth Group: Nerf War

Youth Group: Nerf War

Youth Group is on at Reforming House!

With a Bible study in James 3:13-18, and having some fun with an all out nerf war.

>> 6.30pm to 8.30pm <<

>> Supper provided <<

Come along for all the fun and friendships formed in the good news of Jesus!

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The John Drama

The John Drama

The John Drama is the Story of Jesus Live! A 90 Minute, high energy, theatre-in-the-round performance of John's Gospel. Christian Union Bendigo have 15 Christian Uni students from Bendigo (with a few recent grads) as the cast of the John Drama which will be held in the Gallery room at Latrobe Uni, Bendigo. 

You can find out more about the John Drama here https://johndrama.wycliffeaus.org, it is a great event to bring enquiring friends and family to as they will Meet Jesus in Action! 

Register your free ticket here: https://events.humanitix.com/the-john-drama-bendigo

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The John Drama

The John Drama

The John Drama is the Story of Jesus Live! A 90 Minute, high energy, theatre-in-the-round performance of John's Gospel. Christian Union Bendigo have 15 Christian Uni students from Bendigo (with a few recent grads) as the cast of the John Drama which will be held in the Gallery room at Latrobe Uni, Bendigo. 

You can find out more about the John Drama here https://johndrama.wycliffeaus.org, it is a great event to bring enquiring friends and family to as they will Meet Jesus in Action! 

Register your free ticket here: https://events.humanitix.com/the-john-drama-bendigo

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Youth Group: Just Dance

Youth Group: Just Dance

Youth Group is on at Reforming House!

With a Bible study in James 2:18-26, and having some fun with “Just Dance”.

>> 6.30pm to 8.30pm <<

>> Supper provided <<

Come along for all the fun and friendships formed in the good news of Jesus!

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Church Lunch

Church Lunch

On the 23rd of June, after communion in the Lord’s Supper, we enjoy our next church lunch together.

Please bring a plate of food to share - being mindful of those who have allergies to nuts, please.

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WMV Discipleship Conference

WMV Discipleship Conference

The last instruction Jesus gave his followers was to "Go and make disciples".

We know discipleship is important, but what does it really mean?

At our 2024 On the Road conferences, Anna Harris is going to look at Paul's instructions to Timothy to help us think through what it looks like to disciple one another. No matter your age or stage of life, discipleship is a vital area of Christian life that we should all be engaged with.

We hope you can join us at Bendigo to think through what discipleship is, why it matters, and how you can be involved.

Please note that refunds are not available, but if for any reason you are unable to make it to the conference, you will be emailed a link to the video recordings of the talks and workshop. Alternatively you can transfer your ticket to another person by contacting us at wmv@pcv.org.au

You can easily book right now…

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Gathered Prayer

Gathered Prayer

At this week’s Prayer Service we’ll hear a short sermon from Mark 2:18-22 on prayer and fasting.

We love to pray, and for those who don’t yet love to pray (but would secretly like to), this is for you too. Prayer is an expression of faith, of reliance on God our Father who cares for His children.

We live such full and busy lives that we must pray. The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’ 

We see how good prayer is, by seeing how good God is, and you’re invited to come and pray with us too at our weekly Prayer Service.

At our Prayer Service, we’ll sing a song together (perhaps a song that is a prayer) and hear a short message from the Bible. We’ll pray through Scripture, take prayer requests and be led in prayer from the front. We’ll pray in small groups, in large groups and in small moments of silent personal prayer.

Everyone is welcome, kids are welcome. So, come along, bring your requests before God, we will be expectant in prayer together, we will not be anxious about anything, for we will pray about everything.

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Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

The Men of Reforming are gathering at Reforming House (17 Victa Rd) for our monthly BBQ Breakfast, 8am to 10am on the second Saturday of the month.

Bring a bible and $5 for breakfast.

Just RSVP by Friday morning so we know how much food we'll need. Hope you can join us!

Email Ryan to let us know if you can join us.

All men are welcome!

#blokes #bibles #edify #build #bemen

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Women’s Brunch

Women’s Brunch

Ladies Brunch is on Saturday at 10am. No prep needed, just bring your Bible and a plate to share.

Please RSVP to Aimee for using the form below.

Of course children are always welcome but it would be a great opportunity for Dad's to serve their family and give mums some time in the word.

And this is not just for mums! All women & teens are welcome. Our discussion and our time in the Bible is not a mum's club - it's a time for enriching all women. Feel free to bring a friend too.

This term the women of Reforming will be trained in how to handle the word of God using the Swedish method, to encourage and equip one another. This is a time of sweet fellowship and prayer.

Later in the year the women will be learning the character, conviction and competencies of preaching and teaching in women’s ministry. We pray that we can see women encouraged to handle the word of truth for the sake of teaching other women, for the glory of Christ.

Please RSVP by emailing Aimee, if you can join us: aimee.grinter@gmail.com

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Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

The Men of Reforming are gathering at Reforming House (17 Victa Rd) for our monthly BBQ Breakfast, 8am to 10am on the second Saturday of the month.

This year the men of Reforming have the option of two streams to be engaged in.

  1. There is the Bible Study Stream, where we’ll be learning and using inductive tools such as the Swedish method. We pray we can see men equipped to handle the word of truth for themselves, their households and friends.

  2. There is also the Preaching stream, where we’ll be learning the character, conviction and competencies of preaching. We pray we can see men trained to preach Christ, for His glory.

Bring a bible and $5 for breakfast.

Just RSVP by Friday morning so we know how much food we'll need. Hope you can join us!

Email Ryan to let us know if you can join us: ryangsmith@gmail.com

All men are welcome!

#blokes #bibles #edify #build #bemen

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Gathered Prayer

Gathered Prayer

We love to pray, and for those who don’t yet love to pray (but would secretly like to), this is for you too. Prayer is an expression of faith, of reliance on God our Father who cares for His children.

We live such full and busy lives that we must pray. The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’ 

We see how good prayer is, by seeing how good God is, and you’re invited to come and pray with us too at our weekly Prayer Service.

At our Prayer Service, we’ll sing a song together (perhaps a song that is a prayer) and hear a short message from the Bible. We’ll pray through Scripture, take prayer requests and be led in prayer from the front. We’ll pray in small groups, in large groups and in small moments of silent personal prayer.

Everyone is welcome, kids are welcome. So, come along, bring your requests before God, we will be expectant in prayer together, we will not be anxious about anything, for we will pray about everything.

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Working Bee

Working Bee

On Saturday morning, 21st October, the Board of Management is hosting a working bee to clean the church for The John Drama.

Together we’ll team-up to pull weeds, prune brushes, clean windows, etc.

Then we’ll share some lunch together, and that evening enjoy watching the John Drama.

To find out more, ask our Board of Management: board@reformingchurch.org

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Women’s Brunch

Women’s Brunch

Ladies Brunch is on Saturday at 10am. No prep needed, just bring your Bible and a plate to share.

Please RSVP to Aimee for using the form below.

Of course children are always welcome but it would be a great opportunity for Dad's to serve their family and give mums some time in the word.

And this is not just for mums! All women & teens are welcome. Our discussion and our time in the Bible is not a mum's club - it's a time for enriching all women. Feel free to bring a friend too.

This term the women of Reforming will be trained in how to handle the word of God using the Swedish method, to encourage and equip one another. This is a time of sweet fellowship and prayer.

Later in the year the women will be learning the character, conviction and competencies of preaching and teaching in women’s ministry. We pray that we can see women encouraged to handle the word of truth for the sake of teaching other women, for the glory of Christ.

Please RSVP by emailing Aimee, if you can join us: aimee.grinter@gmail.com

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Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

The Men of Reforming are gathering at Reforming House (17 Victa Rd) for our monthly BBQ Breakfast, 8am to 10am on the second Saturday of the month.

This year the men of Reforming have the option of two streams to be engaged in.

  1. There is the Bible Study Stream, where we’ll be learning and using inductive tools such as the Swedish method. We pray we can see men equipped to handle the word of truth for themselves, their households and friends.

  2. There is also the Preaching stream, where we’ll be learning the character, conviction and competencies of preaching. We pray we can see men trained to preach Christ, for His glory.

Bring a bible and $5 for breakfast.

Just RSVP by Friday morning so we know how much food we'll need. Hope you can join us!

Email Ryan to let us know if you can join us: ryangsmith@gmail.com

All men are welcome!

#blokes #bibles #edify #build #bemen

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Gathered Prayer

Gathered Prayer

We love to pray, and for those who don’t yet love to pray (but would secretly like to), this is for you too. Prayer is an expression of faith, of reliance on God our Father who cares for His children.

We live such full and busy lives that we must pray. The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6, ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’ 

We see how good prayer is, by seeing how good God is, and you’re invited to come and pray with us too at our weekly Prayer Service.

At our Prayer Service, we’ll sing a song together (perhaps a song that is a prayer) and hear a short message from the Bible. We’ll pray through Scripture, take prayer requests and be led in prayer from the front. We’ll pray in small groups, in large groups and in small moments of silent personal prayer.

Everyone is welcome, kids are welcome. So, come along, bring your requests before God, we will be expectant in prayer together, we will not be anxious about anything, for we will pray about everything.

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