1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 ~ Our Culture of Christ

(Our Reforming Group Guides are designed to be inductive, using the COMA form of study: Context, Observation, Meaning, Application). For more on this method, check out this article.)

By way of introduction: If you could design a healthy church culture, what would it look like?

Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

  1. Could you outline the context of this letter so far?

  2. As we step into chapter 2, Paul mentions that he and his ministry team had “been shamefully treated at Philippi.” You can read the details of what happened the account in the Book of Acts, from Acts 16:16-24. What do you think is the connection between what happened at Philippi, Paul’s time at Thessalonica and Paul’s outlining of his motivations in gospel ministry?

  3. As you read through 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6, why do you think these things Paul talks about matter for us?

  4. Paul uses the illustration of a nursing mother (verse 7) and a father with his children (verse 11), imagine together how these metaphors could shape church culture?

  5. What are the practical implications of verse 8 for our church culture of:

    • seeing new people at gathered worship morning tea or lunch

    • meeting new people in our small group

    • serving on a ministry team

    • our daily prayers

  6. What is the goal of our church culture, ultimately, based on the implications of verse 12? What will that mean our conversations, responses, attitudes be as we live as a church family?

Pray for one another of Reforming, and for friends of Reforming who need Christ.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 ~ The Word at Work


1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 ~ Jesus Changes Everything