Acts 6:8-8:3 ~ In the face of danger

By way of introduction: Where have you seen people today say that the Old Testament has no relevance to Christianity? Who usually says such things? How do you feel when even Christian leaders say such things?

Read Acts 6:8-8:3

  1. Stephen is being accused of speaking blasphemy against Moses and God, which is punishable by stoning (Acts 6:11). As you read his sermon, what is he actually saying about Moses and God?

  2. Stephen knows that he could be executed as a response to this sermon. In the face of such danger what is he most concerned with?

  3. As you look at the end of Stephen’s sermon, we see the application from Acts 7:48-53. What is the application for the first hearers of this sermon? (particularly see v.48, 51, 53)

  4. What were the Jews basing their relationship with God upon? (cross-reference Jeremiah 7:4)

    Where are our danger areas of finding a replacement other Jesus to base our relationship with God upon?

  5. Luke writes that as Stephen is stoned, he then ‘fell asleep’ (Acts 7:60). What does this say about how we understand death?

  6. Stephen almost seems hardly to be able to finish his sermon. Then he gets stoned to death. And, as he is being stoned he only has the breath to say a short prayer, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” (Acts 7:60) How is Stephen’s death (which the world would say is a waste), and his prayer (which the world would say is insignificant), so used by God? (Hint: look just at who is there in Acts 8:1)

Pray that we will be able to respond to God’s word in the power of Jesus name - as we pray for one another.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Acts 8:1-25 ~ The Priceless Gospel


Acts 6:1-7 ~ What about when problems come?