Reforming Church

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Acts 10-11:18 ~ Made Clean

By way of introduction: With the new national COVID restrictions having come in concerning us Victorians, how does that make you feel as you relate to the rest of the nation?

Read Acts 11:19-30

  1. Why are some forms of food seen as “common” or “unclean” for Peter? (cross-reference read from Leviticus 11 and 18:24-28)

  2. How are people “made clean” in the days of the Old Testament? (cross-reference read from Deuteronomy 7:7-8)

  3. Jesus shows what really makes us unclean from Mark 7:14-23, so how can we be made clean now? Read Acts 10:34-43, 11:9 and 11:16-18.

  4. In this episode, Jesus changes the relationships in the church, between Jew and Gentile (Acts 10:48) and in the way people relate to others (Acts 11:2).

    • How does Jesus change everything for Peter?

    • How does Jesus change everything for the congregation in Jerusalem? (Acts 1:8)

    • How does Jesus change everything for the Gentiles?

  5. What partiality might we need to be aware of that could creep in to our church? How does Jesus change these?

  6. How does Jesus change everything for us and the way we relate to the world as a local church on mission from Jesus?

Pray for one another, and for our neighbours and the nations