Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness (James 3:13-18 & Matthew 11-12)

7th December, 2021

Group Guides

By way of introduction: If we were to play the word-association game (e.g. I say “cat”, you say “dog” etc.), what do you think of when you hear the word: “gentleness”?

Read Matthew 11:25 - 12:21

  1. Keeping in mind the context of that whole reading, and who Jesus is particularly often interacting with, what do you think he means by saying Matthew 11:28-30?

  2. In Matt 12:18-21, we read a quote from Isaiah 42:1-4, where we see Jesus fulfilling the servant songs of Isaiah. Why does the world need this kind of gentleness described in Matthew 12:20?

  3. We see Jesus interact with religious leaders again and again, like for example in Matthew 12:1-14. What is it about Jesus’ gentleness that is more true of God than what these religious leaders would teach, and more compelling than the way they relate here?

  4. Let’s share some verses of Scripture around the Group to read, and discuss why gentleness is required of God’s people and yet so often relegated to lower levels of importance?

    a. 1 Timothy 3:2-3

    b. 2 Timothy 2:24-25

    c. 1 Peter 5:3

  5. It’s obvious that we, as fallen as we are, could dangerously default to being ungentle with one another. How does first looking to who Jesus is, and what he is like toward us, help us?

    Read James 3:13-18

  6. James highlights the problem of our hearts, and what we often let harbour there. What do we need that will help us produce the fruit of the Spirit seen in the works of gentleness in our lives? (see verse 17)

  7. Gentleness is often confused with other aspects of character, or, even with weakness and powerlessness. How does reading 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 help us hone our understanding of gentleness, coupled with looking at the raw power of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ?

  8. If we were to see the fruit of gentleness in our church, what would this look like through verses such as Galatians 6:1?

  9. If we pray that God would grow us with a church culture to be more like Christ, in gentleness, what difference might that make for Bendigo and the times we live in?

Pray for one another of Reforming, and for friends of Reforming - that we would bear the fruit of gentleness in Christ.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Fruit of the Spirit: Self-control (1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13)


Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness (2 Timothy 1-2:13)