Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness (Luke 6:27-36)

(Our Reforming Group Guides are designed to be inductive, using the COMA form of study: Context, Observation, Meaning, Application. For more on this method, check out this article.)

By way of introduction: What is the kindest experience you’ve had, aside from meeting Jesus? Why was it especially kind?

Read Luke 6:27-36

  1. As you read verses 27-31, have a look at the following cross-references and discuss how Christ is contrary to “normal” expectations of kindness.

    • Matthew 5:38-44

    • Deuteronomy 19:20-21 (Exodus 21:22-25, Leviticus 24:17-23)

    • Proverbs 25:21-22

    • Romans 12:14-21

  2. Jesus speaks, in Luke 6:27, “to you who hear…” - could you give a summary sentence of what Jesus wants us to hear about kindness?

  3. Jesus speaks with a lot of conditional statements in verses 32—34, where the ESV translates ‘benefit’ (used twice) and ‘credit’ all from the word χάρις, which means ‘grace’. Why is being kind to those who are kind to us so unremarkable, even, ungracious?

  4. As you read verses 35-36, how does this help us understand what it means to be gracious in our kindness?

    Here are some other cross-references that may be helpful:

    • Romans 5:8, 10

    • Titus 3:3-4a

    • 2 Timothy 2:24

  5. What is so extraordinary about the gospel is that the God Most High (verse 35) is the One who comes most low in Christ - how do we see kindness at the heart of the gospel?

  6. How will the fruit of kindness change everything:

    • in your life?

    • in our church life?

    • in Bendigo & beyond?

    Pray for one another of Reforming, and for friends of Reforming - that we would be kind like Christ.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness (Luke 6:37-45)


Fruit of the Spirit: Patience (James 5:7-11)