Gospel Friendship (Philippians 2:19-30)
By way of introduction…
What are the different ways in which we see friendship expressed in our society?
Read Philippians 2:19-30
On Sunday we were in Genesis 3 (our cross-reference passage) and saw how humanity was designed to delight in serving others, that this is core to friendship. So now using ‘friendship’ as a conversation starter, could you practice explaining as a group what friendship has to do with the gospel?
When we look at Timothy’s life and ministry, we need to consider that there is some scholarly disagreement whether Timothy was a “timid” person or not. Whatever the case may be, have a look at the following passages and see how Timothy may have naturally related to people:
1 Corinthians 16:10-11 (why would Paul have to write this to a church of all people?)
2 Timothy 1:7-8 (why would Timothy need this exhortation?)
Now look at Philippians 2:20, describe what is distinctive about Timothy, considering that “concerned” (ESV) could be translated as “anxious” (same word in Philippians 4:6).
Look carefully at Philippians 2:21, and discuss whether Timothy is being elevated above all of us, or an as an example of leadership to the Philippians because of verses such as Philippians 1:15-17.
Epaphroditus is from the church at Philippi, and whilst we know less about him from the rest of the Bible than we do about Timothy - discuss what we see from this person and how they are a friend?
On Sunday we heard Jesus’ words to his disciples from John 15:13-15, discuss how Jesus connects “friendship” to “service” and what this will mean for our church-life?
Pray that we as a church would be a new humanity of friendships, who delight in serving our friends.
All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored is a three-session series about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that examines his extraordinary claims.