Gospel Friendship (Philippians 2:19-30)
By way of introduction…
What are the different ways in which we see friendship expressed in our society?
Read Philippians 2:19-30
On Sunday we were in Genesis 3 (our cross-reference passage) and saw how humanity was designed to delight in serving others, that this is core to friendship. So now using ‘friendship’ as a conversation starter, could you practice explaining as a group what friendship has to do with the gospel?
When we look at Timothy’s life and ministry, we need to consider that there is some scholarly disagreement whether Timothy was a “timid” person or not. Whatever the case may be, have a look at the following passages and see how Timothy may have naturally related to people:
1 Corinthians 16:10-11 (why would Paul have to write this to a church of all people?)
2 Timothy 1:7-8 (why would Timothy need this exhortation?)
Now look at Philippians 2:20, describe what is distinctive about Timothy, considering that “concerned” (ESV) could be translated as “anxious” (same word in Philippians 4:6).
Look carefully at Philippians 2:21, and discuss whether Timothy is being elevated above all of us, or an as an example of leadership to the Philippians because of verses such as Philippians 1:15-17.
Epaphroditus is from the church at Philippi, and whilst we know less about him from the rest of the Bible than we do about Timothy - discuss what we see from this person and how they are a friend?
On Sunday we heard Jesus’ words to his disciples from John 15:13-15, discuss how Jesus connects “friendship” to “service” and what this will mean for our church-life?
Pray that we as a church would be a new humanity of friendships, who delight in serving our friends.
This coming Australia Day, we’ll enjoy a church lunch BBQ with lamb, it’s going to be sweet. So come along for our church service at 10am, to hear Christ preached from Psalm 7, share communion in the Lord’s Supper celebrate by BBQ and singing “happy birthday” to our dear friends.