Reforming Church

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How can I stop envy eating me up? (Philippians 1:12-18)

Group Guides | Sharing the gospel, sharing our lives

(1 Thessalonians 2:8)

By way of introduction: What does envy feel like and look like for us?

Read Philippians 1:12-18

  1. Paul is stuck in Roman prison, with the church concerned for him. What are the things that Paul wants the church to know and believe (verses 12-14)?

  2. Carefully read again verses 15-17, and discuss the different motivations that people might have in that particular context, for preaching Christ.

  3. What could be some examples of mixed motivations we see today for preaching Christ?

  4. We are all guilty of having mixed motivations in different areas of our lives, and selfish ambition coupled with envy could easily capture our hearts. How does envy in our hearts often shape our lives?

  5. Read carefully verse 18 and discuss; what is the solution to the envious motivations of others, and the envy in our own hearts - and how and why does this work in practice?

Pray for our church family and friends, that we would preach Christ deep into our hearts, for our joy in Jesus.

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