Reforming Church

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Acts 8:26-40 ~ I was once cut off, but now…

By way of introduction: During this season of isolation under COVID-19, how have you felt?

Read Acts 8:26-40

  1. The Ethiopian eunuch had gone to Jerusalem to worship God, but how will his context affect the way he could worship in Jerusalem? (read Deuteronomy 23:1)

  2. As the Ethiopian eunuch returns home after his experience in Jerusalem, he is reading from the Scriptures - particularly from the Prophet Isaiah. As he reads and re-reads he has likely read Isaiah 56:3-5, what questions might he have from this text?

  3. When Philip comes over to chat with the Ethiopian eunuch he is at that point reading from Isaiah 53:7-8. What are the connections we can see with Isaiah 56:3-5?

  4. The Ethiopian eunuch says to Philip that he doesn’t understand what he is reading unless someone guides him. How does Philip guide him?

  5. In verse 36 the eunuch says, “What prevents me from being baptised?” What prevented the Ethiopian eunuch worshipping in God’s presence before? What has changed everything for him?

  6. We were all once cut off from God, how so? And what has changed for us?

  7. We may not see ourselves as all evangelists, like Philip (Read Acts 21:8). Yet, how may we start in simple and easy ways the sharing of the good news of Jesus?

Pray that we will let nothing hinder us from receiving Christ as Lord of our life - as we pray for one another.