Praying for a culture of Christ (1 Corinthians 3)
Group Guides | Sharing the gospel, sharing our lives (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
By way of introduction: By way of introduction: There’s a well-known quote by management consultant, Peter Drucker, that states: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Discuss what do you think he means by that.
Read 1 Corinthians 3
1) As you read through chapter 3, what things do you notice that are not of a “culture of Christ” that have been happening in the church at Corinth?
2) What are the solutions to these problems that the Apostle Paul brings to the church’s attention in this chapter?
3) From this passage, what are the activities we can do (there’s at least three) and what is the only thing that God can do?
How does this work?
4) What are the rewards for carefully building our life on the foundation of Christ? (cross-reference from 1 Thessalonians 2:17–20)
5) Remembering the plural of “you” in verses 16–17, what warning is there for us?
6) How do we build our lives in such a way that curates a culture of Christ…
a) In our own heart
b) In our home life
c) In our church
Pray that we would have a culture of Christ in us as believers, in our households and in our church. Pray that we truly would be reforming by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray for one another.
All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored is a three-session series about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that examines his extraordinary claims.