The Lord Came Down (Genesis 10-11)
Group Guides | Sharing the gospel, sharing our lives (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
By way of introduction: Where does our search for significance often start?
Read Genesis 11:1-9
As you read verses 1-4, where do you see history repeating itself today in societal attitudes?
As you read verses 5-9, how would you describe the LORD’s judgement on humanity’s project here?
How might we see history repeating itself in our own attitudes born from the events at Babel?
Where does our search for significance often end for us, when it’s not found in Jesus?
Notice in particular verse 5, ‘And the Lord came down…’
How can we read this through the interpretive lens of the gospel of Christ (Luke 24:26-27, 44-49)?
What difference does Jesus make to our lives, since we know the Lord came down?
The Westminster Assembly did seem to encapsulate our quest for meaning, and its answer, in the publication of the Shorter Catechism, question 1. Discuss what this would like for us as a church community?
This coming Australia Day, we’ll enjoy a church lunch BBQ with lamb, it’s going to be sweet. So come along for our church service at 10am, to hear Christ preached from Psalm 7, share communion in the Lord’s Supper celebrate by BBQ and singing “happy birthday” to our dear friends.