When faith is tested, the Lord provided (Genesis 22)

Group Guides | Sharing the gospel, sharing our lives (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

By way of introduction: What sort of things in life need testing?

Read Genesis 22

1.      We are told what Abraham is not told, in verse 1, what was that?

2.      Read Exodus 16:4, James 1:2–4 and James 1:13–15 and discuss the difference between testing and temptation.

3.      As Abraham goes toward Mount Moriah we see clues in this text of Genesis 22, as well as in Hebrews 6:17–18 and Hebrews 11:17–19 – of why he continues to trust God in this testing. Take some time to identify what keeps him going in his theological thinking, even up that hill.


4.      As Isaac asks the question about the lamb, Abraham teaches his son what it means to trust that the Lord God will provide the lamb (verses 7 – 8). How could we apply this passage to our life in a was that is unbiblical or unhelpful? What do we need to be careful about?


5.      There are loads of gospel connections in this episode, take some time to see what you can identify – be that seemingly large or small.

a.      Cross-references may be helpful, such as:

                                                i.     2nd Chronicles 3:1

                                               ii.     John 1:29

                                              iii.     John 8:56

                                             iv.     Galatians 3:16


6.     When our faith is tested, we see God is not just the one who tests our faith – but also the Lord who provides. What is the promise here for God’s provision that is for us as people of God’s covenant promises?


Pray for one another and our church, for when our faith is tested.

Prayer points…

Articles for Your Encouragement

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Dying in Faith for a Better Country (Genesis 23)


Little Ones can rely on the Lord (Genesis 21)