God Gives the Growth in Gathered Prayer

Last night we gathered for prayer at our 5pm Prayer Service, and it was very encouraging. With the twenty four of us (including children) praying to our Father in heaven in Jesus’ name, we enjoyed congregational prayer together.

Yesterday in the morning we heard in gathered worship about what we need to hold onto in the sermon from Matthew 6:5-18. We need to, actually we get to, hold onto this… that God listens - and we need him to.

The fact that God listens, is a means to an end, that is it is a means to Him. To talk to God, to pour out our hearts to God, is a gift of grace, one of the means of grace that Christ has given the church.

The means of grace are not things we humans designed, nor discovered, for we are never innovators in the Christian faith. And because of our sinful hearts and total depravity, we are never initiators in the Christian faith. For, the Christian life is saved by grace, lived by grace and serving by grace. The Christian life is by grace from beginning to new beginning. It is God who has designed and determined certain appointed means by which the Holy Spirit gives believers the ability to enjoy the benefits of being united with Him.

This year we have restarted our Prayer Service, and we’re trialling it for two years to see if it’s something that Reforming would value – congregational prayer that is for everyone. Everyone is welcome, kids are welcome - and whether you wish to pray out loud or simply say amen to other’s prayers, congregational prayer is for everyone who belongs to the congregation of Reforming.

At our 5pm Gathered Prayer Service, we sing together, we hear a devotional message together, we enjoy congregational prayer together, and we have supper together.

At our Prayer Service we will hear devotional messages from trainee preachers – as we form a Company of Preachers to serve the church.

At our Prayer Service we will hear from those with ministries outside this church, and we pray for those ministries.

We hear from missionaries and we hear the work and joys of our own evangelistic efforts, as well as praying for friends as we love the lost and ask on behalf of their name – in Jesus’ name.

Sometimes there’s fifteen of us, sometimes there’s three of us - yet every time by God’s grace, we get to pray.

Only this week, I received this text message from a new person to our Prayer Service….

“I want to make Sundays more about God and rest for my family and no better way than having a prayer gathering with brothers and sisters.

I had never been before because I thought the timing with dinner and bed wouldn’t work with the kids.

I had no idea you guys provided dinner.

Our church is so blessed to have that service.”

Praying together, congregationally, is a grace that gets us going for the rest of the week.

Your pastor and friend praying for you and with you,


Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


So That You Might Follow In His Steps


God’s Extraordinary Grace Has Something Ordinary