Our Preaching Plan for the Final Quarter

As we move into the final quarter of the year, I thought I’d share with you what our preaching plan looks like leading right up to Christmas and New Year’s Eve as it’s good to know where we are going as a church.

For what comes after New Year’s is on the drawing board, but here is how we will hear Christ preached from the Bible over the next few months.

Since we come to 2nd Corinthians 7 this Sunday, such a passage on ‘repentance’ gives is much to apply theologically and pastorally as a church. It is especially timely that this Sunday being they last Lord’s Day of then month is when we have communion in the Lord’s Supper. In this sermon we’ll see that a repentant Christian is to take, eat and drink, of the Lord’s Supper - and this is for our good. We’ll also see in this sermon how the only way in which we can have a life without regret, is by living a life of joyful repentance.

It’s when we come into October that we’ll look to two key events in the life of our church: ACM ‘24 and Reforming Weekend ‘24.

Our Annual Congregational Meeting is the place of hearing reports of the previous year and adopting the budget for the next year that is presented by the Board of Management. This meeting is more important than doing due diligence (which is very important), it is a time where we see how the budget is a picture of our priorities toward mission and ministry as a church. Since well being planning and praying about the future mission and ministry of Reforming, we’ll be hearing a two-part miniseries expounding from the Scriptures what Reforming is all about.

Then we come to the end of October and Reformation Sunday, where we’ll get together for the whole weekend. Reforming Weekend is going to be something else, something fun and formative in the life of our church. We’re going to host a conference for the church, by the church, and our focus this year is on evangelism. Over the weekend the Reforming Elders will be teaching on what is the evangel (the gospel), and we’ll hear 10min-talks by Reforming members on evangelism practice. The whole conference is going to be full of sharing ideas, future thinking and praying. Sunday finishes with a sermon on “The Why of Evangelism”.

When we head into November we’ll be continuing our series in 2nd Corinthians, which we’ll finish in seeing how God does indeed work in our weakness in December.

Now that’s the plan for the final quarter, and like with any plan we say James 4:15 style, “Lord-willing”. For all our plans are really in need of being brought before our Father in heaven through prayer. So we pray that as we teach God’s word, as we preach Christ - that He would speak to us and so shape us in Jesus name, amen.

You can see our preaching plan here.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Re:forum on Evangelism