Reforming Church

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Reading the Bible like your life depends on it

We depended upon so many things that we now saw we could have took for granted in our pre-COVID lives. Eating out, having people in our homes, gathering as church family - all regular rhythms of life that we now miss. 

Yet there is one thing we can still have part of our daily rhythm of life, and that is reading the Bible. With seeing the value and ministry of prayer last Sunday, this Sunday we'll see what it means to read the Bible like your life depends upon it. 

We could find ourselves reading the Bible in a perfunctory way, gliding our glazed eyes across the pages looking for something interesting - rather than seeing what is life giving. 

We could get tired or bored of being in one book of the Bible for a while, be that in a sermon & study series, or in our regular reading plan. 

We could see the Bible as a book of information, rather than the words of God aimed at our heart's transformation.

This Sunday in our Book of Acts series, we are in Acts 13:13-52, and we're going to see how we get to read the Bible like our life depends upon it.