Reforming Kids Term 3

Article by Aimee Grinter

Welcome parents and teachers to Term 3! This term we are looking at the teaching of Jesus as we work our way through the Gospels. Perhaps you could be reading through a Gospel as a family? Mark’s Gospel is a nice action packed version that kids love to hear. You could read a chapter over dinner or even a few verses and ask each time: What do we learn about Jesus in this passage?

Our 'Big Questions' we are asking this term are:

1) What did Jesus teach when he was on earth?

2) Why do people reject Jesus?

Two great questions to explore together!

Our memory verse for the term is the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13. Here is a great song to help commit the Lord’s prayer to memory:

Children learn through repetition and they especially love to copy what they see you love and enjoy. It’s incredible how quick kids can learn the Lord's prayer especially if you pray it with them each day. 

It’ so good to model that we daily need to rely on God in prayer. It’s not always easy, life gets busy (!) but let’s not let the urgent take from what is important. If there is anything we can be doing to support you or your ministry to children please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Don’t forget to check out the Reforming Church Library for great kids books and family devotional material.

With thanks to you dear fiends,

Aimee Grinter (Children’s Ministry Co-ordinator)

Aimee Grinter

Aimee serves as the Women’s & Children’s Coordinator for Reforming Church. She is married to Russ and together they were part of the planting team of Reforming. Aimee also serves as Convener of Reforming Events Committee, and on the Church Planting Committee of the PCV.


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