Advent Discipleship Opportunity for Families

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name eImmanuel” (which means, God with us).

Matthew 1:23

Hey Reforming parents,

We know this time of year can be CRAZY so here are some tips to help your household remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Advent is 27 days away so let’s get ready to make the most of it!

Here are 5 tips to help you keep pointing your children & teens to Christ this Christmas:

1. Be prepared - Stop and consider what you model to your child about what’s important at Christmas. Make a small plan now for this advent season or blink and this opportunity will pass you by. New family traditions can start at any age. A little bit of intentionality goes a long way in discipleship. Establish helpful family traditions that help your child to stop and be reminded both visually and verbally of the centrality of Jesus in the craziness of Christmas. Example: pray together after you’ve set up the Christmas tree or read a passage of scripture together before you open presents.

2. Advent calendars - who doesn’t like a count down? You are never too old for advent calendars. I’m not talking about the commercial chocolate ones but ones that help focus us on Jesus. Christian advent calendars create rhythm and build momentum for Christmas and can help us to retell the Christmas story. Each day have a scripture to read or a character from the nativity story. We do ours at dinner time each night in December. It’s a great way to get the kids learning how to use the Bible. As your kids get older the readings can be changed to suit their maturity. Check out the resources links below. Worth investing in or making your own one as a family. Crossway have put out a free devotional with myo decorations

3. Gifts - consider how you can model generosity rather than greed in this season? Reflecting on the gracious gift of God how can you as a family be generous with others?  

As a family, consider reducing the amount of gifts bought for family members, and instead select a gift from the Compassion catalogue or make gifts for your neighbours. 

Encourage kids to think about what they can give away to other children who don’t have much or how they can serve others in the community. 

4. The Nativity Story - Create some kind of nativity scene in your home as Christmas decorations. Set it up together each year or make one together. Older kids can be even more creative in designing and making a nativity scene - knitting, painting, lego scene. Here is a toilet roll nativity scene, a lego scene & clay. Challenge teens to come up with the most creative use of resources to make a nativity scene.

5a. (For little ones) Consider keeping Santa Claus in the area of fantasy. All year we seek to teach our children truth and grace - Our cultural narrative of Santa is neither of those things so we need to be wise how we interact with the idea of Santa. Here is a great article about assessing what is best for your family

Personally I recommend considering teaching children the history of St Nicholas. Show children that modern Santa message of naughty and nice is actually the opposite of the gospel but that Nicholas loved Jesus and was generous to others! Also helpful to teach our kids to be sensitive of their non-christian friends. We taught our kids from an early age that Santa is a game that some parents play with their children and that we need to respect that and rather than ruining their Santa game we need to show them there is even something better at Christmas - Jesus! The sparkle of Christmas is not less in a home that celebrates that Jesus is the reason for the season. 

5b. (For bigger ones) Foster a thankful heart in each of your kids. Spend time with them making cards and writing letters thanking people who have been generous with their time and energy throughout the past year (e.g. Kids Church leaders, Youth group leaders, school teachers, coaches, friends, family.) Reflect together on how God has been generous to them this past year. 

Resources you might like to use!!

Advent Calendar / devotionals

Scriptures for Advent

Nativty sets / ideas


Beginning With God At Christmas, The Good Book Company

The Christmas Promise, by Alison Mitchell

Aimee Grinter

Aimee serves as the Women’s & Children’s Coordinator for Reforming Church. She is married to Russ and together they were part of the planting team of Reforming. Aimee also serves as Convener of Reforming Events Committee, and on the Church Planting Committee of the PCV.


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