Gathered Prayer | Sunday 5pm

Article by Russ Grinter

We are praying for a healthy culture of prayer in our church. We seek to serve as a church that sees prayer as not secondary to the ministry, not just supporting the ministry, but that prayer is the ministry. So, you’re invited to Gathered Prayer.

At Gathered Prayer we’ll sing sometimes, hear from our preachers in training as they give the devotional, and we’ll engage in issues in theology and culture.

We’ll see men and women mentored as they learn how to be a disciple who prays.

We’ll hear from parachurch organisations and people wishing to raise support and partnership for their ministries.

We’ll look at how to take the gospel to tough topics such as gender identity.

We’ll share church-family news and needs.

But all of those things are to fill our prayers as a whole church.

All welcome, with some supper afterwards.

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


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