Reading the Bible with Your Kids

4 August 2022 | Article by Aimee Grinter

It’s never too early and it’s never too late to start reading the Bible to, or, with your child. It doesn’t matter if they are 6 months, 6 or 16 years – this is a habit worth starting.

1)      Regularity is the key; not long studies or necessarily deep studies. So, find a time that suits you to include reading into the routine of life – breakfast, dinner time, bath time, before bed?

A love for Jesus and His word is CAUGHT rather than taught. Never underestimate how influential it is for kids to see their parents reading the Bible, reflecting, and praying. 

2)      Read age-appropriate material – see some great resources below!

3)      Ask simple questions:

Under 5’s – what did you like about the story?

5-7 – what did you like about the story and do you have any questions about the story?

8-11 - What do you like about what you have read?
What questions do you have about what you have read? 

What do you learn about God (Father, Jesus, Spirit)? 

12+ same questions as 8-11 also: What does this story show us about who we are and what we need? How does Jesus make sense of this passage?

4)      Pray. As soon as they can speak kids can pray. After reading together ask your child(ren) to pick at least one thing to pray for each. As they get older help them to pray things that reflect the passage. Share your prayer needs with the kids. Talk about prayer needs of the church and the world. 



> 5 - The Beginners Bible 

Books for Little Ones by Stephanie Carmichael

Stories Jesus Told by Nick Butterworth & Mick Inkpen 

The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible by Jared Kennedy 


5-7 - The Beginners Bible 

The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm 

The Rhyme Bible Storybook by Linda J Sattgast 
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung 

The Garden the Curtain and the Cross by Carl Laferton 

Or any of the ‘True Story’ series by the good book company 


8-11 - The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm 

The Action Bible by David C. Cook 

The Gospel Story Bible by Martin Machowski 

It’s all about Jesus Bible Storybook – Heath McPherson

ICB – International children’s Bible

‘True Story’ series – Good book company 

12+ - ICB – International Childrens Bible

ESV – Holy Bible for Kids

Engage (daily Bible devotional) – Cole Martin

Would you like a Bible story reading plan? Check out

Aimee Grinter

Aimee serves as the Women’s & Children’s Coordinator for Reforming Church. She is married to Russ and together they were part of the planting team of Reforming. Aimee also serves as Convener of Reforming Events Committee, and on the Church Planting Committee of the PCV.


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