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Working Bee
On Saturday 7th December, 8.00am, we’re running a church working bee to remove weeds in the new Outdoor Play-space, as well as in all garden bed areas around church house.
Talk with Board Manager and working bee Overseer, Nick Wall, about how you can help.
You can find out more by sending a message below.
Working Bee
On Saturday morning, 21st October, the Board of Management is hosting a working bee to clean the church for The John Drama.
Together we’ll team-up to pull weeds, prune brushes, clean windows, etc.
Then we’ll share some lunch together, and that evening enjoy watching the John Drama.
To find out more, ask our Board of Management: board@reformingchurch.org
On the first Sunday in February, 2013, Reforming Church launched with its first service of gathered worship. It was the day of small things, and we rejoiced.
Since then our testimony is that everything we have is a testimony to God’s grace. Even that we could plant a church, even that Reforming still exists as a local church, even that we have the blessings of Reforming House and being a family of God’s precious people. All of this is God’s grace to us.