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Annual Congregational Meeting
On Sunday the 13th October we will convene our church’s ACM to thank the Lord Jesus for his grace to us, as well as plan and pray toward our mission and ministry for 2025.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Session is convening the Annual Congregational Meeting for 2023 on Sunday 29th of October, 12.00pm.
Please stay tuned to this calendar, for more announcements and reports that will be published soon.
Annual Congregational Meeting
On Sunday, 21st August, we’ll enjoy hosting that church family gathering we have once a year - the Annual Congregational Meeting. It’s our annual time of plans and prayers in the re-visioning of re-forming church.
We’ll share together, hear and reflect upon the evidences of God’s grace among us, and ask the Lord to continue to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine - we will ask for Christ to be glorified among us and through us (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Stay tuned for the Reforming Report to be published soon, and come along to be part of and partner in seeing the Lord do what only He can do.
On the first Sunday in February, 2013, Reforming Church launched with its first service of gathered worship. It was the day of small things, and we rejoiced.
Since then our testimony is that everything we have is a testimony to God’s grace. Even that we could plant a church, even that Reforming still exists as a local church, even that we have the blessings of Reforming House and being a family of God’s precious people. All of this is God’s grace to us.