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Risen Sunday
Jesus wept.
Two words, one moment, where the man who is God is so moved by the destruction of death.
These two words make for the shortest sentence in our English Bibles, from John 11:35. Here is a scene where the focus zooms in on Jesus’ reaction to death. It’s up close and personal, it’s the death of a close friend of Jesus, Lazarus.
Death hurts us because we love people. Death takes from us, death hunts us and haunts us. And as much as we have overcome much in the last couple of years, as much as we have tried to cure the cause of many ills in our world – we cannot cure death and death is never far away.
So, Jesus wept, and then he did something about it. Jesus does what only he can do – he goes to death and back.
This coming Easter we’re going to watch Jesus walk up to the grave of a dead guy and literally call him back to life.
Then we’ll see his promise to us who believe in Jesus, and it’s given in two words: eternal life.
You’re invited to come along, we’d be delighted to meet you.

Good Friday
Come and see the cinematic “easter eggs” in John 10, as Jesus speaks about how far he will go to care for your greatest need.