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Filtering by: “Easter 2023”

Risen Sunday

Risen Sunday

Risen Sunday 9th April | Hope at Last (John 20-21)

Jesus’ resurrection shows that the cross is the plan and power of God fulfilled in defeating sin and death. Here Jesus addresses those who doubt, he cares for those who fail and need forgiveness and restoration; Jesus then commissions his apostles to take the good news of him, the gospel, to the world. The cross and resurrection together means there is hope at last, for God gives humanity a hope that can never die. Here is John’s purpose statement for writing this gospel account of Jesus life, death and resurrection in John 20:30-31. The question we must now answer is, “will we now believe and have life in his Jesus?”

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Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday 7th April | It is Finished (John 19:17-42)

At the culmination of Passover, it is Jesus who himself is the Passover Lamb. Jesus meets sin and death head-on, arms outstretched, lifted up, the king enthroned on a cross. Jesus is the king who dies for his subjects, his people, and declares, “it is finished”.

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