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Music & Media Team Meeting
As a church we love to lift our voices in song, we seek to be a church that is not a concert but enjoys God through congregational singing. The Music Team, and our Media Team, exist for this purpose - to serve congregational singing.
On 1st October these two teams, and anyone interested in Music & Media, are invited to gather for an all-in meeting.
Please let us know by messaging below, if you’d like to join us.
On the first Sunday in February, 2013, Reforming Church launched with its first service of gathered worship. It was the day of small things, and we rejoiced.
Since then our testimony is that everything we have is a testimony to God’s grace. Even that we could plant a church, even that Reforming still exists as a local church, even that we have the blessings of Reforming House and being a family of God’s precious people. All of this is God’s grace to us.