Meet Emma

Have you met Emma?

Emma and her husband Cameron have been part of Reforming Church from the early days, and we asked her to tell us a little about herself…

“My name is Emma. I am married to Cameron Spink (the camera dude) and we are expecting our first baby in September. During the week I work part time as a paediatric occupational therapist and part time as a women’s apprentice for Reforming.”

How did you become a Christian?

“As a young teen I was hospitalised with Anorexia and whilst in hospital a friend of mine made a CD with Christian songs about God’s love and she told me that Jesus died for my sins on a cross so that I could be free from them. As I recovered I tried to deny and ignore what this friend shared with me. Looking back it seems amazing that I could not see how the holy spirit was working in me at the time. In my final year of high school I asked my next door neighbours, the Spink’s, if I could go to church with them. Again I heard the gospel. God had been working in my heart and I finally understood that I needed Jesus and committed to live my life for Him.”

What’s your favourite song at the moment?

“Probably ‘My Lighthouse’ by Rend Collective. The lyrics are about how Jesus’ awesome love will carry us through the tough times. I find it sums up the small struggles as well as the big and is a fantastic reminder of the hope we have in Christ.”

What’s your favourite book?

“This is a tough question. I like a heap of books! My all time favourite fiction book is ‘The Book Thief’ by Marcus Zusak. I really enjoy books that portray history through narrative and I love the poetic style of The Book Thief.”

What do you do for fun?

“I like to read and drink coffee and run and drink coffee. I also enjoy listening to music, reading God’s word, and walking my dogs.”

How has Jesus changed your life, or is changing your life.

“He gave me the strength and endurance I needed to overcome an eating disorder and helped me realise my true purpose – to love and glorify God. Jesus gives me a hope to cling to, a reason to celebrate and be thankful as well as something to hold to when the going gets tough. I haven’t overcome every trial in my life, but I now know God’s grace is sufficient for me.”

What’s your favourite Bible verse?

“At the moment my favourites include Phillipians 4:6-7 “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving let your requests be known to God” and Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

What can we of Reforming be praying for you?

“Please pray for my family, most of them do not yet know Christ. Please pray that God would be softening their hearts and opening their eyes to the truth. Pray that He would use Cameron, Charlotte (my sister) and I as witnesses and provide us with the right words to say.

Please pray for the different roles I serve in during the week, pray that as a women’s apprentice I can support the ladies I work with by speaking the truth and supporting them in their faith. Pray for the families I work and come into contact with through my work as an OT, that I am able to help and use best evidence practice to support them to achieve their goals. Most importantly, pray that they would know God’s awesome love and the truth of the Gospel.

Please pray for my growing baby and Cameron and myself over the next couple of months as we get ready for this next chapter.”

Russ Grinter

Russ serves as Pastor of Reforming Presbyterian Church in East Bendigo. It has been his joy to see God’s grace to him and the church in so many ways. As a Teaching Elder, Russ serves under the care of the North Western Victoria Presbytery.


Meet Aimee


A reflection from the valley, by Dawn