Faith in God through our Fears (Genesis 12:10-20)
Group Guides | Sharing the gospel, sharing our lives (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
By way of introduction: What is a ‘promise’?
Read Genesis 12:1-9
We were in a series in Genesis 1-12 in 2022, you can listen to that series here, Genesis 1-12 Discipleship Series, or study with Group Guides here: Genesis 1-12 Group Guides.
Abram and Sarai are chosen by God to be the recipients of His promises. Discuss what these promises are, and what is particular to Abraham and what is particular to us.
Read Genesis 12:10-20
Abram has travelled to the land that God has promised to give him and his offspring (you might recognise this place from your Bible maps). Now in this episode, because of the difficulty of famine, he has to sojourn away from God’s promised land. What is Abram’s response to this difficulty?
Not everything “goes well” for Abram, after his plans go badly. What seems to be sound about his plan, and what is not?
Abraham is known as a man of faith (Hebrews 11), and we see in Romans 4:20 that he ‘grew strong in faith’. So how do we reconcile what happens in this episode from Genesis 12:10-20, with what is said of Abraham in Romans 4:13-25?
We see more of God revealed in this episode too, what do we learn about the Lord?
How does this episode point to the gospel of Jesus Christ?
What temptations do difficult circumstances often bring for us?
How could we in moments of difficulty and fears we have new opportunities to trust God?
Pray for our church, that we would have faith in God through our fears.
All over the world millions of people find hope and help in knowing Jesus Christ. Hope Explored is a three-session series about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that examines his extraordinary claims.