
We preach Christ

Current Series

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Our Preaching Plan for 2025

Preaching Christ, from the Bible

Mark’s Gospel



1st Timothy

2nd Timothy

Preaching Christ, doctrinally

The Blessing of Singleness

The Mystery of Marriage

Wisdom in God’s World

The Doctrine of Church

Preaching Christ, on special occasions

Psalms from Reforming Preachers

Sermons from Guest Preachers

The Easter Event of All Events

God with Us at Christmas

Gathered Worship Sundays 10am

Our main Sunday service, with kid’s church included. Gathered worship of God, for our sent worship of Him into the week.

16 February I Believe, Yet Help my Unbelief! (Mark 9:14-29)

23 February Guest preacher, Chris Boyes preaching Christ and His Mission

2 March Grasping Glory (Mark 9:30-50)

9 March Spiritual Heart Transplant (Mark 10:1-31)

16 March Servant Leadership (Mark 10:32-52)

23 March The Clash of Kingdoms (Mark 11:1-12:44)

30 March It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Mark 13:1-37)

6 April The Passover of the Lord’s Supper (Mark 14:1-52)

13 April When we Don’t Want Jesus in Our Lives (Mark 14:53-15:15)

18 April Good Friday The King is Killed, and So Conquers (Mark 15:16-47)

20 April Risen Sunday The Hope of Humanity (Mark 16:1-8)

Our prayer service, where we sing together, have prayer together and share in supper together.

Supper Service Sundays 5pm

February 16 Hope Explored for everyone, with delicious supper

February 23 Hope Explored for everyone, with delicious supper

2 March Life with Jesus ~ What does “the good life” have, and do you have it?

9 March Life with Jesus ~ Why might people find it hard to trust the Bible?

16 March Life with Jesus ~ What do people say is wrong with our world? What are their solutions?

23 March Life with Jesus ~ What do people think happens after we die?

30 March Life with Jesus ~ What do people have faith in?

Prayer Service on a break over the school holidays, starting again 27 April

Sermon Library