
We preach Christ

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Gathered Worship Service Sundays 10am

Our main Sunday service, with kid’s church included. Gathered worship of God, for our sent worship of Him into the week.

23 March The Clash of Kingdoms (Mark 11:1-25)

30 March Are You Shaped by the Scriptures? (Mark 12:18-44)

6 April The Passover of the Lord’s Supper (Mark 14:1-52)

13 April When we Don’t Want Jesus in Our Lives (Mark 14:53-15:15)

18 April Good Friday The King is Killed, and So Conquers (Mark 15:16-47)

20 April Risen Sunday The Hope of Humanity (Mark 16:1-8)

Gathered Prayer Service Sundays 5pm

Our prayer service, where we sing together, have congregational prayer together and share in supper together.

23 March We Get to Have Jesus as Lord (Mark 11:27-12:17)

30 March It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Mark 13)

Prayer Service on a break over the school holidays

Sermon Library

Mark Russ Grinter Mark Russ Grinter

How to Have a Changed Heart (Mark 10:1-31)

Jesus does more than go through the eye of a needle, he does the impossible by going through death on a cross, risen with an inheritance money can’t buy.

The rich man went away sad, because he went away from Jesus. Whereas all the sinners who come to Jesus, get their life back. In Christ is where God makes the impossible, possible, for you.

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